Sea resources offer not just unscientific, but sometimes dangerous ways to lose weight, lose weight "Obzhirov", "without dieting and effort", etc. Why are there resources on the Net? Quite a certified gynecologists (and sometimes even endocrinologists) immediately appoint at 2 degrees of obesity drugs such as Meridia, Reduxine (sibratmina hydrochloride), and this is the most powerful agents of the central action, which often cause mood disorders and generally have a lot of contraindications. And certainly there are times when you need them, but then appoint such drugs to all, indiscriminately! And do not say anything about that, first of all you need to change your lifestyle, change their dietary habits. And do not say that after drug withdrawal weight can come back ...
The hunt for "suckers" continues, taking more and more sophisticated and sometimes naukopodobnye ways. We just do not see here: the selection of power "by blood" (actually, net platseboterapiya), and the development of "optimal" diet through questionnaires on the Internet (well, of course, not without sending two or three sms, cost from 499 to 800 rubles each), and one-time "coding" and other heresies, which are willing to buy fat, lazy, and believe in the miracle of people.
So can you actually lose weight once and for all, never again returning to the original high weight? And in general: how to lose weight?
The thing is that losing weight and not have to! Need stroynet! Become a happy, harmonious, healthy, to acquire healthy eating habits. And it's not a play on words and verbiage. In our words, lies the very force that is too much influence on our life, to ignore. How often I hear people say: I want to lose weight. Always ask: wallet does not want to lose? Some look like a madman, totally unable to understand what I mean. And I say to truly "magical" effect of the words in our subconscious. After all, it captures not only the meaning of the whole phrase, but also the meaning of each word. That is why the words: lose weight, lose weight - should be forbidden words for those who want to achieve sustainable results, not temporary.
Linguistics - the great thing, and the whole direction of therapy is based on the impact of words on the subconscious (NLP), but, of course, for postroyneniya little. What you need more? State of love. Not necessarily in someone, even the best - in themselves. Love must be genuine and not counterfeit. Love yourself just a meal - and crime and a sin. Around us so much pleasure, and life is all just one. Need to break away from your refrigerator and kitchen and see the world in all its diversity, to give a "magic Pendel and pull itself finally in the theater or concert (mind you, do not hang in the cupboard!), Take a ticket to the movies, or buy skates and go with your child to the rink (and you often spend time together?), or all together to take "sortie" in bowling.
Options - weight! It would be a desire to begin to produce serotonin with healthy treats. Do fat people also formed a vicious circle - zazhevyvanie problems disregard for themselves leads to elaboration of only one way of having fun - through food, which leads to the formation of excess weight. But by itself overweight is the cause of many complexes that make the healthy pleasures available. Here and there remains only that there is ... "Love" a cake or greasy food.
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