otrdiena, 2011. gada 29. marts


Set or reset based on the weight of certain biological principles. All of the modern diet is manipulated by two basic tools: 1) reduction in calories and 2) reducing intake of carbohydrates. This makes some sense. With a deficit of calories your body has less energy than the uses and, therefore, compelled to produce it by burning its own fat. Reducing carbohydrates leads to the same. Moreover, the deficit of carbohydrates to minimize the inhibitory effect of insulin on fat burning processes.
Despite the obvious logic that almost all diets in the long run fail. Probably the only one to reduce carbs and calories are not enough to maintain a constant fat burning process, something was missing.

Missing link is the so-called time factor. Despite its popularity, with prolonged use permanent deficit of calories and carbs can negatively affect thyroid function, growth hormone and activity of steroid hormones, which ultimately lead to a general slowdown of the metabolism.

Thus, the reduction in calories and carbohydrates can be quite an effective tool for getting rid of excess fat, if you use it periodically, not continuously. Emphasize the difference. In order to allow people to burn off excess fats and stay wiry, a more detailed study of various biological functions, under the responsibility of fats, as well as practice techniques, leveling this responsibility. When the presence of fat accumulation loses its biological meaning, the body, as is the case with other fibers, begins to get rid of them.

Likewise, as with muscles, fat, or may accumulate, or destroyed, depending on the biological priorities. Survival of the organism depends on the tendency of developing active fiber and cleave inactive. The latter is just under the fat. Take away his active role, and he pulls away from the body to the minimum necessary.

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