ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 31. marts


Currently, obesity is a very common disease, so many puzzled by the problem of dumping of excess weight. And except for those who recognize the obese, there are those who are around and not feel fat, but they are concerned about their weight and just want to reduce it. Therefore the question of getting rid of unwanted body fat for health and beautiful appearance is very important.

The main indicator of obesity is the body's weight. Its very easy to measure, since domestic and medical scales for weighing people's common and available. Of course, the more accurate indicator is the mass of human fat tissue, but it is very difficult to determine. Therefore, the main indicator of obesity was and remains the body's weight.

For these reasons, the fight against obesity becomes a struggle with weight. And this is fundamentally wrong! Weight Loss rights does not always correspond to lose its fat.

If any man says that he threw, say, 5 kg of weight, whether that meant that he got rid of five pounds of fat? Not necessarily. Weight - the total, which is composed of fat mass, skeleton, muscles, internal organs and various body fluids ... Plus the mass of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, which may vary within wide limits!

Consider a hypothetical situation. On the first day you ate and drank very satisfying and a lot, so on the second day you have a clear aversion to food. Therefore, the entire second day you have nothing to eat or drink. If you have made to weigh the morning of the second and third day, the difference between them probably would have been substantial - up to 3 kg or more. That is a day of discharge you would lose, say, 3 kg of weight. And as you would fold in this time of fat?

Not at all! After a binge on the first day of the consumed nutrients would be enough for the next day and even left, so that resort to spending a pool of fat depots is not required. Weight loss during the entire day unloading due to the waste of nutrients assimilated from food eaten before the evacuation of undigested residues, as well as loss
water through sweat, urine and exhaled air. So in this example, the loss of weight - 3 kg, and fat loss - 0 kg.

Another example. In hot weather, people can lose through sweat quite a lot of water. Water can be lost rapidly and without heat, if you take diuretic medications. In these cases, water loss may reach 10 kg, and fat loss, as in the previous example - 0.

Incidentally, this effect is sometimes used to deceive customers, some dishonest "nutritionists". They can give under the guise of medicine for obesity pills containing diuretics, the patient was satisfied with quick reset hated weight.

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